
The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program offers incentives for households to upgrade to efficient hot water systems.

We understand that navigating the rebate process can be overwhelming for some. This is why we take all of the guess work out of it. We include all of your rebates on your quote and lodge the rebates for you.

What we do?

We claim these rebates on your behalf to cover a portion of our costs, including the product, electrician fees, plumber fees, rubbish removal, old unit recycling and other related costs.

Which rebates am I eligible for?



As a Victorian householder, you could receive a hot water rebate if you meet the following criteria:

  • you are the owner-occupier of an existing property where the system is to be installed
  • the combined household taxable income of all owners is less than $210,000 per year
  • the property is valued at under $3 million
  • the property address has not previously received a hot water rebate or a solar battery rebate under the Solar Homes Program
  • the hot water system to be replaced is at least three years old from the date of purchase.


Small-scale technology certificates, or STCs, are a tradable commodity attached to eligible installations of renewable energy systems (including solar panels, solar water heaters and heat pumps). Under the Federal Government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), when you install an eligible system, you may claim a set number of these STCs.


Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) are electronic certificates created in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 (VEET Act). They encourage the uptake of energy efficient technology and play an important role in achieving the Victorian government’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from households.

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